Welcome to the Cybotica arrival point.
Everything you do is being monitored - this is for your own safety and our duty of care to you.
If your thoughts do not conform to the minds of the drone hive you will
find it helpful to your existence to exit by the nearest expedient egress.
This information is not given in malice.
Welcome to Cybotica.
The temperature in this biosphere is maintained at
a constant 27.5 degrees for your pleasure and satisfactiion. Take deep
breathes as sometimes the ancient oxygen recycling system just gives
out. We apologise should this malfunction occur during your stay here
at Cybotica. It would not be very pleasant.
On the other hand. Do not breathe too deeply. The
oxygen content necessary to sustain your species cannot be
maintained with any degree of certainty, or consistency. Our
technicians occasionally have minor technical problems with this
flamable substance. There is some fanatical talk of having this
lethal chemical banned as it is considered to be far too
harmful for our own environment.
Welcome to Cybotica.
Before being permitted into Cybotica you will
undergo some organic and inorganic testing and rectification. Before
allowing you too much further into our pristine environment we must ask
you to undergo a brief decontamination and dsinfection program. There
is no cause for alarm; the opera er that is . . . the procedure will be
quite painless.
Welcome to Cybotica.
Registration protocol will be observed once
testing and detoxification have been completed. Should you require
medical attention - we may be able to provide some . . . but not at
short notice. Remember to take short, deep breathes, not too deep . . .
not too short. Are you feeling comfortable . . now we'll begin .
. .
Welcome to Cybotica. Have a nice day.